Thursday, November 29, 2007


I took this outside my porch while visiting for break. I think it came out nice. It reminds me of alien invaders emerging from a UFO, only the alien is my dog, Milly.

Needle in the Hay

For font identification I went to a late night magazine rummaging party; about a dozen commies shuffling through Allure, Seventeen, Stuff, Vanity Fair, Best Life, Game Informer, Bridal, Time, Vogue, any magazine you could think of for fonts. The needle in the hay becomes the Palatino in the Helvetica.


sooooooo apparently Art Prostitute, a concoction of a title I found to be utterly genius is actually taken, so for now my blog is nameless. I will miss my old logo though.

Possible names:
Art Slave?
Slave to Art?
Oppressed Artist?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bat Girl

Another drawing from my sketchbook colored in Photoshop. I tried using a purple color scheme but it just wasn't working so i changed it to a harsh B&W with a little bit of color.

Friday, November 9, 2007


These were the song request lits I took from Eighties Night yesterday. I was the obnoxious one who wrote "The Fall" in Huge scratched out letters. Someone really wanted Blondie.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Font Identification

This is a GIF animation I made today. I'm still working out the kinks. Click to animate.

For font identification Lauren M and I went to a late night magazine rummaging party; about a dozen commies shuffling through Allure, Seventeen, Stuff, Vanity Fair, Best Life, Game Informer, Bridal, Time, Vogue, any magazine you could think of for fonts. The needle in the hay becomes the Palatino in the Helvetica.